Impact of Technological Advancement in the Society in Nigeria
Innovations, Intellectual Property Rights, Privacy Protection, Access to InformationAbstract
Today, innovations in information technology are having wide-ranging effects across numerous domains of society and policy makers are acting on issues involving economic productivity, intellectual property rights, privacy protection and affordability of access to information. The most significant outcomes of the progress of information technology is electronic commerce over the internet, a new way of conducting business. Already, it affects such large sectors as communications, finance and retail trade and has expanded to areas such as education and health services. Firms can outsource their manufacturing to other nations and rely on telecommunications to keep marketing, R&D and his distribution teams close contact with the manufacturing groups. The technology enables various types of work and employment to be decoupled from one another. The paper will focus on the impacts of information technology and electronic commerce on business models, commerce, market structure, workplace, labour market, education. Changes associated with rapid technological advances in industry have made continual upgrading of professional skills and economic necessity.